Month: November 2012

  • First interview done!

    Listen to this post: Today I accomplished two wonderful things: the first filmed interview for the documentary and then a long nap. At first, it may sound silly to call those both wonderful. We interviewed Jeff Black today, and I know he can agree with me on calling naps wonderful: we both have a workplace…

  • Can Disability art leave the Disability community? Yes!

    Listen to this post: > Last night my film, “Friending with Brain Injury!” premiered in Portland at Disability Comedy Movie Night. We showed three other comedies; all were written by disabled artists, starred disabled artists, or both. The audience had folks with and without disabilities, and there was laughter all around at different times. We…

  • Disability Reality TV (Fantasy Reality TV, that is)

    Listen to this post: Reading Ben Mattlin‘s book the other day, he reminded me (as the reader, not me in particular) that in the disability rights movement there’s been a warning to not reveal too much about your personal life to the public. When you do, you open yourself up to unsavory reactions. You might get…