Category: Disability Film Festivals

  • Free Our People Film Contest and Festival

    Listen to this post: Are you in Rochester, NY? If you are, can I come and see you? Because I’m thrilled to say that I’ll be there August 7th for the Free Our People Film Festival put on by Center for Disability Rights in New York State. There’s kind of two ways I think about…

  • ReelAbilities Portland Film Festival and blogging against disablism

    Listen to this post:  Today is a two-for-one! You get lots of info about the upcoming ReelAbilities Portland film festival, and you get to celebrate the annual, international Blogging Against Disablism Day. I put them together for one big reason and one small reason. The small reason? I’m terrible with time management! I was going to…

  • ReelAbilities: Portland–submit your short film now!

    Listen to this post:  In the earlier days of this blog, I liked to do a Spotlight on Disability Film Festivals feature sometimes. My hope was that each year there might be new festivals to add to the spotlight. Alas, new ones don’t crop up on any kind of regular basis. I think disability art…

  • Tangled Art + Disability: Bodies of Light film festival

    Listen to this post:  Hurrah! A new film of mine in a film festival! I don’t even want to talk about my film. (I will tell you it’s called “Cat Lady” and is an extended, more experimental version of a 1 minute film on my YouTube by a similar name that I made with no script.…

  • Spotlight on Disability Film Festivals: Sit Down Shut Up and Watch Film and New Media Festival

    Listen to this post:  In keeping with tradition, I’m letting you know about a remarkable film festival after it’s already passed. But I do believe late is better than never. And I do also believe I’ve stumbled upon kind of the greatest thing in the universe here. If you interact with me in person or…