Category: Guest Artist Bloggers

  • Guest Blogger Brandon Michael Scarth

    Listen to this post:  A brief introduction to one of our featured artists, Brandon Michael Scarth. “So I’m Brandon Michael Scarth, as you know. And I got into an accident about five years and seven months ago? Or maybe it was five years and nine months ago. I don’t really remember. I remember it was…

  • Guest Blogger Cynthia Lopez on not being the one to stop it

    Listen to this post read by Cynthia Lopez of Eleusis Films:  “Have you ever had someone diss your art? You know that it’s actually an invitation to keep creating, right? After the premiere of my second movie, a null-budget, feature-length narrative fiction film, a person that I knew told me that I should not be…

  • Guest Blogger: Zazel-Chavah O’Garra on “turning setbacks into a comeback” after a brain tumor

    Listen to this post read by Cheryl:  “I’m writing to share my personal journey of crafting a vibrant, creative life after becoming disabled. Given my extensive background in the creative arts, patient advocacy and social work, I believe I can spread the words ‘turning setbacks into a comeback.’ I became a disabled artist 10 years…

  • Guest Blogger: William L. Alton on Stigma

    Listen to this post read by William L. Alton; introduction by Cheryl:  Just as I put the finishing touches on the PSA, “Your Daily Dosage of Inspiration,” my dear friend, Bill Alton, was being put through the ringer because of his disabilities. The PSA is a satire about how some people expect disabled folks to…

  • Guest Blogger: David Parkin on putting yourself back together again

    Listen to this post:  Meet my pal Dave. You can ask him how we met, or I could tell you. Chances are we’d both get it sort of wrong because we probably don’t really remember. I mean it was months ago. Best I recall, he somehow found my blog. Or someone else re-blogged something of…