Tag: Kory Christiansen

  • HeadStrong for Life at Washington State annual TBI Conference

    Listen to this post:  If you go to the HeadStrong for Life Facebook page, you’ll see some definitions of the word “headstrong.” Simple things like “directed by ungovernable will” and “not easily restrained.” Aren’t those fabulous images of people living with brain injury having agency, choices and passions? I love it! As a matter of…

  • Weirdstock: Strangers and Aliens Festival in Tacoma

    Listen to this post:  Weirdstock. It’s coming. And it’s got a pretty cool name. Now, there are actually a lot of events around called Weirdstock, but I’m talking about the one coming up this weekend in Tacoma, Washington. The full name is “Weirdstock: Strangers and Aliens.” I wish I could go, but I’ll be at…