Tag: neurodiversity

  • Normal Really Is a Fantasy

    Listen to this post:  Here’s me with my buds! We are representing brain injury community and happily sporting our “Normal Is A Fantasy” t-shirts designed by Invisible Disability Project. Guess what I came home to? A Tweetstorm from my proud disabled comrades decrying a rough-sounding panel at South by Southwest called “End of Disability?” Sure,…

  • Contribute to NOS Magazine neurodiverity collection online

    Listen to this post:  I love playing with language, especially things like people in disability community reclaiming “crip” or “krip” to describe themselves with pride. It’s definitely inspeak to call yourself a crip to other crips, which is part of the appeal. Of course, not everyone with experiences around disability likes or uses crip, and…

  • Who Am I To Stop It is loud

    Listen to this post:  There’s some work coming out of Australia that I love and admire a lot. Comedian and activist Stella Young with her fine work and her eloquent challenge to finding disabled people inspiring comes immediately to mind. Despite some serious protesting, the ABC in Australia still dumped the Ramp Up website. Fortunately, this incredible…

  • Boycott Autism Speaks

    Listen to this post:  I’m wading into very political waters, but that’s something I haven’t been shy about on this blog thus far. There’s a very large campaign happening right now to challenge businesses to stop partnering with an organization called Autism Speaks. I want to share about this campaign with my readers. As with…