Tag: tbi

  • A PSA about overcoming

    Listen to this post: This is a PSA about non-disabled people referring to disabled people who hold a job as “overcoming their disabilities.” Please don’t. That’s really the whole PSA. But if you want elaboration and context, please read on! I did an online search of “stop saying overcoming disability,” and I still just got…

  • Pigeonhole Podcast 17: Autoethnographic poetry

    Listen to this post: [The podcast is at the bottom of the post.] The Trauma Survivors Network community celebrates National Trauma Survivors Day on May 16th. One of the reasons this network got started was research that says it’s not how bad a traumatic injury is that tells you how difficult recovery will be. It’s…

  • Who Am I To Stop It at Pacific University

    Listen to this post: More exciting screening news! We’re really happy to be invited to the Pacific University campus to screen “Who Am I To Stop It” on March 4th. One thing that makes Pacific extra cool for us is that Brandon, one of the film’s stars, has been working for a few years at…

  • Housing Justice and TBI: St. Charles Church in Portland

    Listen to this post: With National Brain Injury Awareness Month just around the corner, it’s a big time for organizations to share documentaries and personal narratives around TBI. Mostly, they focus on rehabilitation and recovery, but that’s not really the kind of film work I make. So, I’m thrilled to announce a March 1st screening…

  • Pigeonhole Podcast 14: ADD fun (encore)

    Listen to this post: A few years ago, my friend, Taylor, and I sat down to talk–and ultimately laugh–about what we might have in common as people with invisible disabilities that affect how we think and process and organize and emote. For today’s episode, I excerpted the highlights of our conversation that had been published…