Author: Cheryl

  • Pigeonhole Podcast 31: Welcome to AAC Town

    Listen to this post: I’m beyond delighted to introduce you to another disabled-created and hosted podcast, AAC Town. AAC stands for alternative and augmentative communication, which they define in many ways across the episodes. But this isn’t just a technical podcast or a show only for people who already know they’re interested in learning about…

  • Documentary film screening: TBI & My Longest Ride with Kajomo

    Listen to this post: It’s been a minute since I produced a new documentary film, and I’m so pleased to announce a virtual premiere of a new short film called “TBI & My Longest Ride” about Kajomo Moritz on December 18th. I met Kajomo in passing several times over the years at disability awareness events…

  • Kinetic Light’s “Descent” online premiere

    Listen to this post: Kinetic Light, a disability dance company like no other! rachel hickman describes the upcoming film premiere of Descent so beautifully. She says that Descent, “is an immersive reclamation of queer, multiracial, disabled histories that challenges assumptions of femininity and beauty with unapologetic abandon.” Having created the captions and the audio description…

  • Pigeonhole Podcast 30: AJ Murray on disability in the media (Encore)

    Listen to this post: [The podcast is at the bottom of the post.] Sometimes I do these interviews, and it feels like they’re so set in the moment that they won’t hold up down the road. But then you find one, like this 2015 conversation with AJ Murray, and it turns out it’s evergreen after…

  • Pigeonhole 29: Introducing Down to the Struts

    Listen to this post: Phew! My own podcast has taken a backseat for me in the past few months, which is probably obvious based on the sudden lack of new content. I hope to return to producing new episodes this autumn or winter or sometime. I feel like we live in an endless today, with…