Not My First Rodeo: Brain injury and homelessness
Listen to this post: Can I just say how much I love my reliable access to the internet? It’s really a lot. I’m so grateful for my internet connection and for finding tons of material that’s accessible to me. While many people with reliable internet access take it for granted (especially if you don’t have…
America’s Rainbow Film Festival
Listen to this post: It’s only mid-November, and articles are showing up in my social media feeds about growing expressions of violence and hate against individuals and groups. There’s more than two months before he dirties the White House and wipes his feet on the laws that were supposed to make this country a democracy. But people are already…
Disability Intersectionality Summit and scholarships
Listen to this post: When you’re new to social justice activism, you can get super energized about the work and then hit a couple early roadblocks. One is asking this: “Where do I go to get more info about this that’s accessible, understandable, and coming from reliable sources?” Another, much harder one to get past is often this: “Uh…now what?…
Take a new disability microaggressions survey
Listen to this post: A marvelous thing about anger is we can use it for fuel to power social change. Of course, if you’re not angry, it’s easy to misinterpret someone else’s anger as unwarranted, random complaining, or even a sign that the angry people are somehow genetically more prone to rage or are an inferior kind…
Oregon Ehlers-Danlos Conference
Listen to this post: I’m excited about the upcoming Oregon Ehlers-Danlos Conference. It’s designed for people who have EDS, want to learn more about it, or are medical providers looking for alternatives to giving some of the common responses people with EDS get. You know, time-tested stuff like this: “You don’t have anything wrong with you. It’s…