Check out the Beyond Injury blog
Listen to this post: Today I want to highlight a cool blog and website I found recently. It’s called “Beyond Injury,” and it’s run by Scott Friedman. First, let me give you Scott’s description. And then I’ll wrap up with mine! Scott told me this the other day: “The majority of Beyond Injury posts focus…
I wouldn’t know you had a brain injury and other cultural myths
Listen to this post: Stand-up comedian and disability trainer Nina G. has this great line about how if you have a disability, then suddenly everyone you meet has a PhD in the thing you have. Nina G. has a learning disability and stutters. People’s outrageous responses to her stuttering makes up the heart of much of…
Listen to this post: This family portrait: [Image description: A professional family portrait of Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, her husband, and their children. They all wear dark t-shirts and blue jeans. Smiles range from serene to exuberant.] It would be interesting to ask people what they see when they look at this picture. I think I see…
The Odd Bird blog–check it out!
Listen to this post: I’ve heard things like, “She is one odd bird” to describe someone who’s different. But it doesn’t often come out in a positive way. Probably, it’s not meant to. Some folks take strange pleasure in pointing out others who they think are weirdos, pieces of work, and odd birds. I got on the…
Reflecting on justice
Listen to this post: Artist and activist Carole Zoom donated to our recent Kickstarter campaign and won what I thought was a very cool perk! Her perk was this: “Cheryl will write an original post about you or publish a post that you write on WhoAmIToStopIt.com.” True to form, Carole redeemed her perk by telling me that…