Spotlight on Disability Film Festivals: Sit Down Shut Up and Watch Film and New Media Festival
Listen to this post: In keeping with tradition, I’m letting you know about a remarkable film festival after it’s already passed. But I do believe late is better than never. And I do also believe I’ve stumbled upon kind of the greatest thing in the universe here. If you interact with me in person or…
When “can’t” is about power
Listen to this post: I heard someone say this once: “I can’t do that anymore since my brain injury.” And the person she was talking to said: “Don’t limit yourself. You can do absolutely anything. Anything is possible.” And the someone was like: “No, really, I can’t do that anymore.” And I was like (in…
Conductor James DePreist and “My Country” ADA documentary
Listen to this post: I run into people who say something is accessible to people with disabilities when it so very much isn’t. For instance, a building might have ten stairs to the front door and no elevator, but it’s called accessible. (You know, just have some folks carry disabled people in who can’t walk…
Very Special Episodes from Criptiques On Film!
Listen to this post: Special! There’s a word I don’t like when it’s related to disability. It feels like such a consolation prize. Well, we only recently decided as a nation you should be allowed a public education. So your education will be Special. We don’t think you’re good enough athletes to truly compete. So your competitions will be…