Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, OR is on Kickstarter
Listen to this post: I’ve written about police brutality on this blog before. That post looked at some cases of folks who survived brutality but sustained traumatic brain injuries in the process. What about our community members who do not survive encounters with police? There are a lot. And if you are black, disabled, or…
Short Cuts on BBC puts our stories together
Listen to this post: If there’s one thing disability communities do well, it’s helping people with similar diagnoses or experiences find each other. Once we’re together, we share countless stories. These cement our bonds with each other and affirm that we’re OK people despite what society says. We also use stories to vent about difficulties and…
Dr. Seuss and disability
Listen to this post: Dr. Seuss! Let’s just take a quick moment to say it again. All together now. Dr. Seuss! I don’t collect much of anything in my life. But I do have lots of cat stuff and lots and lots of Dr. Seuss books. I loved this podcast by 360documentaries on Radio National…
Artist Joy Corcoran Reviews “Neurocomic”
Listen to this post: I’ve always quit a book if I don’t like it in the first few pages. I’ve been known to give up within paragraphs. This isn’t because I’m twitchy or antsy. It’s because I know there are more books than I could ever read even if that’s all I do for the…
Shit people say to service dog handlers (with TBI)
Listen to this post: I have a huge fondness for snark. Huge. And snarkily. I’m not a fan of being sarcastic to people just to prove I’m funny or in charge like saying, “Wow, your boyfriend has terrible taste in women! Just kidding!” or “You’re so crazy. You’re fired!” I get that crap. Those are…