Yes, to Disability Arts!
Listen to this post: Disability arts, arts and disability, art for people with disabilities, art by disabled people: no matter how you slice it or what you call it, there really is a vibrant, exciting arts community. It’s big! I’d like to introduce you a very sweet video about the place where I got my…
Making some “crip”tiques
Listen to this post: Not everyone with a disability or impairment likes “crip” or wants to be called a crip or a krip. I deeply respect the reasons people give for why they want to be identified and described in a certain way. That said, most people I know would like to be identified by…
Lethan Candlish and Who Am I Again? performance and TBI Voices
Listen to this post: If there’s one thing I love, it’s stories, performance and talking about brain injury honestly. And I want to introduce you to some folks who do roll all three into one. Lethan Candlish is a masterful storyteller and artist. He performed a very moving piece called “Who Am I, Again?” a…
Spotlight on Disability Film Festivals: BOSIFEST 2014
Listen to this post: BOSIFEST International Film Festival for and by persons with disabilities is the only one of its kind in Southeast Europe and is organized by the Hendi Center Koloseum in Serbia. This is the festival’s fifth year. They have a competitive and non-competitive part to the festival. So far BOSIFEST has screened…
From Brain Injury Awareness to Pride
Listen to this post: I wrote here recently that we need to move on from Awareness Months and have Appreciation Months (or years or lifetimes). Lots of times people describe my films as “raising awareness.” I would definitely say that is not my goal. Really, I want to show people with brain injury as complete humans, as…