Out of Step online marketplace for people with disabilities
Listen to this post: I recently joined this fabulous website called Out of Step. Find them at www.OutofStep.com. “Out of Step is an online marketplace and platform connecting people with disabilities to consumers and employers. On Out of Step, people with disabilities can sell products, offer services or post a resume. Anyone can use Out…
King Gimp documentary on Dan Keplinger
Listen to this post: For anyone who warns you that spending too much time on the internet is a bad thing across the board, I got something to say: I may not have any memory of how I came across this link just 20 minutes ago, but finding out about the documentary “King Gimp” online…
The Museum of disABILITY History and People Inc. 9th Annual disABILITIES Film Festival and Speakers Series
Listen to this post: Welcome to the latest installment of “Announcing Disability Film Festivals After They Are Over” on this blog. My timing is notoriously terrible. And once again I have failed to let folks know about this festival before it happened. Here is the site: www.disabilityfilmfest.org. And here’s how they describe the festival: “The goal…
Critique of CinemAbility documentary trailer
Listen to this post: I’m torn over the trailer for “CinemAbility,” a new documentary by disabled director Jenni Gold. The movie explores how disability has been portrayed in films and how people in the industry are now pushing for more realistic and positive portrayals. That sounds downright awesome. I have one caveat: more, if not…