Wobbly dance
Listen to this post: I want to gush over a performance I saw last night by Wobbly called “Underneath.” Beautiful. Wonderful. Thought-provoking. Intuition-provoking. Revealing. Oh, what else. I need a thesaurus. So what is it? It’s a dance performance piece integrating different movement styles and choreography, voice, improvised electronic soundscapes, and story. I’m sure that’s…
Listen to this post: We all know that zombies love to eat brains, right? Well, here’s a fun fact about zombies and brain injury: People with brain injury like zombies. It’s not because we folks with injured brains are less likely to be attacked by zombies. I’m sure they don’t judge their prey by the…
Guest Blogger: Ann Millett-Gallant on art and disability
Listen to this post: Look here! I am thrilled to get to post some art and writing by a community member! Dr. Ann Millett-Gallant has been examining disability and art for a long time. After a traumatic brain injury in 2007, she had a new set of experiences around art and disability. Here is some…
First interview done!
Listen to this post: Today I accomplished two wonderful things: the first filmed interview for the documentary and then a long nap. At first, it may sound silly to call those both wonderful. We interviewed Jeff Black today, and I know he can agree with me on calling naps wonderful: we both have a workplace…
Can Disability art leave the Disability community? Yes!
Listen to this post: Last night my film, “Friending with Brain Injury!” premiered in Portland at Disability Comedy Movie Night. We showed three other comedies; all were written by disabled artists, starred disabled artists, or both. The audience had folks with and without disabilities, and there was laughter all around at different times. We talked…