Category: Community News

  • Support Krip-Hop Nation’s South Africa Tour

    Listen to this post: Krip-Hop Nation is at it again! Well, to be fair, they never stop. But here comes a new and fantastic collaboration with Simon Manda and This Ability Newspaper and Krip-Hop Nation. Their new plans include a tour to South Africa, a film, a book, and probably more. So it’s serious fundraising…

  • Who could possibly keep up with this much amazing art?

    Listen to this post: Over the years, I’ve been in so many conversations (nah, that’s just being nice; they were arguments) about art. What is art? What is its purpose? Who gets to make it? Who gets to consume it? Why? I find the topic interesting until one person defines art by excluding everything they…

  • Black Lives Matter

    Listen to this post: Black Lives Matter. I read on this subject nearly every day. I watch videos on Facebook and read the comments and  arguments for and against. After all of this media consumption on the topic, I want to state the position of this blog: Black Lives Matter. And I don’t like the “All…

  • DisArt Symposium of Disability Arts: Submit now!

    Listen to this post: First things first. Have you checked out the DIStopia podcast or checked out the DisArt Festival? I love their unapologetic embracing of the “dis” to celebrate disability culture. Now there’s one more way to get involved. DisArt is producing a symposium called Disability Arts Now! They’re taking submissions for presentations and workshops through August…

  • This Is Me from Invisible Disability Project

    Listen to this post: One thing I love about the Invisible Disability Project is their belief in the idea that each person and each community ought to be able to define themselves no matter their age, gender, disability, class, ethnicity, or anything else about them. IDP is a grassroots movement of social projects. One of their many…