“Waking the Green Sound: a dance film for the trees” by Wobbly Dance
Listen to this post: There are so many movies in the world that I rarely watch any of them twice. I’m already so behind in watching films that have been on my list for years. But let me tell you, I happened upon a second screening of Wobbly Dance’s “Waking the Green Sound: a dance…
Following along “Becoming Bulletproof”
Listen to this post: In May, I reviewed the documentary “Becoming Bulletproof.” Great film! You gotta see it. That’s why I’m writing again: to make sure you see it. In fact, you can read the film with Closed Captions and hear the film with Audio Description. There’s a few different ways to get a hold…
“Patient No More” from Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability
Listen to this post: One of the dangers of awareness-raising campaigns is that once the rally, day, week, or month for a certain topic has passed, it can be forgotten. The backs on the pins break, the t-shirts fade and get holes in them, the flyers get trashed. And who has time for brain injury…
Gack! What do you say to someone with brain injury?
Listen to this post: It was a few years ago. I was on location, shooting for the documentary. As usual, an interested bystander came up to ask what was going on. I gave my typical, quick answer: “We’re making a documentary about artists with traumatic brain injury. That guy over there, he had a brain…