Category: Community News

  • Check out this cool sign language music video!

    Listen to this post: I want to share my big joy and delight about an email I just got from a good friend. He attached a video playing music and showing someone sign interpreting along with his heartfelt appreciation that he’d found the video. Because this friend isn’t D/deaf, signed music videos were a little new to him.…

  • Rodney Bentley: artist and peer supporter

    Listen to this post: I want to introduce you to Rodney Bentley, a charcoal and graphite artist from New York State who is both deeply spiritual and heavily engaged in community service. I’m thrilled Rodney asked me to share his work here. That’s one of the big goals of this blog. (Hint hint: if you’re an artist…

  • TBI Hope and Inspiration Magazine

    Listen to this post: I take a firm stance against calling disabled people inspiring on this blog and especially in my work in Criptiques On Film. I bristle when a non-disabled person refers to a disabled person as inspiring. Life after a brain injury is still life. One person’s new routine involves practicing reading a calendar, while…

  • Art Exchange

    Listen to this post: A couple years ago, I wrote on this blog about Amee Le’s wonderful art and mindfulness program at Community Head Injury Resource Services of Toronto. She recently worked with a group of artists there on an art exchange with artists at the Horizon Health Network’s Addiction and Mental Health Services program in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Horizon…

  • Documentary film review: Becoming Bulletproof

    Listen to this post: “Becoming Bulletproof” is an award-winning documentary currently on the film festival circuit. It shows the making of an original short Western called “Bulletproof.” Because many of the cast and crew have disabilities, the documentary is described as being part of an overall awareness-raising strategy to promote integration and creative opportunities. But it goes so much further…