I wouldn’t know you had a brain injury and other cultural myths
Listen to this post: Stand-up comedian and disability trainer Nina G. has this great line about how if you have a disability, then suddenly everyone you meet has a PhD in the thing you have. Nina G. has a learning disability and stutters. People’s outrageous responses to her stuttering makes up the heart of much of…
Listen to this post: This family portrait: [Image description: A professional family portrait of Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, her husband, and their children. They all wear dark t-shirts and blue jeans. Smiles range from serene to exuberant.] It would be interesting to ask people what they see when they look at this picture. I think I see…
The Odd Bird blog–check it out!
Listen to this post: I’ve heard things like, “She is one odd bird” to describe someone who’s different. But it doesn’t often come out in a positive way. Probably, it’s not meant to. Some folks take strange pleasure in pointing out others who they think are weirdos, pieces of work, and odd birds. I got on the…
Spotlight on Disability Film Festivals: Sit Down Shut Up and Watch Film and New Media Festival
Listen to this post: In keeping with tradition, I’m letting you know about a remarkable film festival after it’s already passed. But I do believe late is better than never. And I do also believe I’ve stumbled upon kind of the greatest thing in the universe here. If you interact with me in person or…