Audism, yes that’s real
Listen to this post: I’ve written on this blog before many times about ableism, whether I used the word or not. You know, those overt and subtle ways that people and society devalue disability experiences. Everything from “I wouldn’t want to hire someone with a brain injury” to “Why wouldn’t you want to go to…
Racism, ableism, and police brutality leading to brain injury
Listen to this post: I have some friends in the brain injury community who have mentioned how apolitical I am. I think those are folks who don’t read this blog! Cuz I’m pretty darn political. I consider it my duty to interrupt racism, classism, sexism, cisgenderism, homophobia, ableism, and other oppressions that threaten people’s freedoms. Sure, I…
A Simple Brain Injury Support Group
Listen to this post: A Simple Brain Injury Support Group is having a fundraiser on the GoFundMe website to assist them in their new transition to becoming a full 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Here’s what the money from the fundraiser goes to: “The 501(c)(3) documentation is expensive but will allow the organization to apply for grants…
Disability.TV Podcast with Andrew Pulrang is a must hear
Listen to this post: Excitement is in the air and on the airwaves. Wait, are they still considered airwaves when you download a podcast? Either way, here’s one you must check out if you’re interested in media representation of disability: the Disability.TV podcast with Andrew Pulrang. It’s the newest addition to Andrew’s super prolific blog, at www.disabilitythinking.blogspot.com.…