Black women in film
Listen to this post: I want to share a film blog with some very specific goals I like. Reelsistas.com is “dedicated to bridging the gap between the women of color who want to see themselves, their mothers, their sisters, their daughters and their friends reflected on the screen and the women who are working to make…
Listen to this post: “PWD” is shorthand for “person with a disability.” I saw it a lot when I was studying to become a speech therapist. Abbreviations do make for easier reading. I thought that was a cute term until I became a PWD. Then, it felt objectifying to be an acronym written about in…
Disability Art and Culture Project’s Sex, Love and Disability III fundraiser and local arts
Listen to this post: Getting started with planning early! It’s been quite a while since I wrote about the Disability Art and Culture Project, so here we go! 2014 is going to bring us to the 6th Disability Pride Arts and Culture Festival and the 3rd Sex, Love and Disability Fundraiser event. (The festival is…
Alzheimer’s Unleashing Art
Listen to this post: Talking about life with Alzheimer’s Disease is not easy. I do not want to trivialize anyone’s experiences or make it seem like I know some truths–positive or negative–about them. So rather than write about what it means to live with Alzheimer’s, let me just please introduce a couple of people to…