Short films of fiction and truth
Listen to this post: We had a great premiere of the three new short films, “The Tablet Shorts, Out.” It was one of the most diverse audiences I’ve had at one of my screenings. One really exciting thing for me as the producer? There were fewer people in the audience with brain injury than people…
Out of Step online marketplace for people with disabilities
Listen to this post: I recently joined this fabulous website called Out of Step. Find them at www.OutofStep.com. “Out of Step is an online marketplace and platform connecting people with disabilities to consumers and employers. On Out of Step, people with disabilities can sell products, offer services or post a resume. Anyone can use Out…
The Museum of disABILITY History and People Inc. 9th Annual disABILITIES Film Festival and Speakers Series
Listen to this post: Welcome to the latest installment of “Announcing Disability Film Festivals After They Are Over” on this blog. My timing is notoriously terrible. And once again I have failed to let folks know about this festival before it happened. Here is the site: www.disabilityfilmfest.org. And here’s how they describe the festival: “The goal…
DAYA Foundation benefit event
Listen to this post: It used to be easy for my neck to hold my head up. But something about a huge bike wreck just tweaks you. You sort of feel a little bit off all the time. A little sore here, a little tired there, a little stuck over there. Besides my shoulders and…