Category: Community News

  • Sins Invalid Crip Soiree and Speakeasy

    Listen to this post: I’m pretty sure the cat is already out of the bag. But I’ll give it an extra wiggle just in case: I love documentary films made by people inside the community being filmed! And here is a new one by Sins Invalid. It’s not just a documentary. There’s a whole soiree…

  • “Best Kept Secret”: Documentary film review by Jane Dunhamn

    Listen to this post: I learned in a documentary film class your film should focus on something specific. Also, that specific thing points to something universal. In other words, your story might be about one person, but it can still connect to just about anyone who watches. The idea is there are universal experiences of…

  • Weirdstock: Strangers and Aliens Festival in Tacoma

    Listen to this post: Weirdstock. It’s coming. And it’s got a pretty cool name. Now, there are actually a lot of events around called Weirdstock, but I’m talking about the one coming up this weekend in Tacoma, Washington. The full name is “Weirdstock: Strangers and Aliens.” I wish I could go, but I’ll be at…

  • A Roll In The Park ADA Celebration with arts exhibit

    Listen to this post: I had a lovely conversation with three people who helped organize a great local event happening this Friday! The event has been going on for a while, and this is only the second year they have had an arts exhibit. All of the art is made by folks with disabilities. So…

  • Mindfulness Art for Brain Injury in Toronto

    Listen to this post: The practice of mindfulness can be a rewarding but difficult thing. Some people find great soothing and calm by focusing on the present moment. It gets your mind off of thinking negative things about yourself or others or just thinking too much in general. It helps you get some perspective on a…