Featured Oral History Project on Disability Activism: It’s Our Story
Listen to this post: It’s pretty hard to come across first-hand stories of disability and disability history in the media. So I was super excited to find the online, interactive oral history project called “It’s Our Story: Answers From America’s Disability Activists” at www.itsourstory.org. It’s Our Story is a digital archive of more than 1,000 interviews…
Big fun news
Listen to this post: For anyone out there who’s ever made something, seen something made, or wanted to know how something is made, I can tell you there’s one thing always at play: resources. Just this week Portland’s Hollywood Theatre accepted our documentary in their fiscal sponsorship program. That’s a partnership where we can seek funding available…
Is it a disability event if the topic is disability?
Listen to this post: A good friend asked me “Is something a disability event if the topic is disability?” Excuse me, but that is an awesome question! Different people will have lots of answers. I’m sure a common one would be, “Depends.” Here’s what’s on my mind. This applies any group on the margins. A…
Spotlight on Disability Film Festivals: Cinema Touching Disability
Listen to this post: Howdy, filmmakers. Check out the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities and the Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival! Submissions are now open for the 2013 competition. I submitted my film just this morning! This festival started in 2004. The idea was “to create a film festival to counter negative stereotypes about people with…