Hollywood Theatre PDX Airport Cinema Shorts

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Airports. Ugh. I’ll just leave it at that. Or I would have left it there until The Hollywood Theatre opened their microcinema at the PDX Airport here in Portland in February, 2017. They have seasons where a selection of local short films play on an hour-long loop. If you had a weird experience of getting through TSA quickly, you can pop over to Concourse C year-round and sit in a small, comfy movie theater and watch films till it’s time to cramp up on your flight. I’ve been. It’s like stepping into another world with the darkened room, the silver screen, the puffy theater chairs…and all the people with their roller bags. It looks like this! (FYI: Sorry to those of you who are PDX carpet aficionados. This is the new carpeting. Sad face.) This cinema is a very bright light in a place that, for so many, is a place they cannot get to or get through, where people are profiled and abused, and a site where racism and xenophobia play out through legislation. So I know not everyone can be at an airport or wants to or can get through as smoothly as I do.

Hollywood Theatre microcinema at the airport. People walking past with their luggage. The entry is an ornate, old-fashioned theater design with lights. It says "Hollywood. Established 1926, Portland, Oregon."

If you happen to be traveling this summer, you can see one of my films there alongside a handful of other films that are marvelous and masterful. In My Home was chosen to play, and I truly could not be more proud.

If you’re in Portland, oh, say, May 14th, instead of heading out to the airport, you could come right to The Hollywood Theatre itself for a showcase of the summer lineup. Filmmakers will be there for a chat afterwards. My film is captioned, and there may be others with captions. Assistive listening devices are available on request when you get there. The screening is in the downstairs, giant, wheelchair-accessible theater. (Please note the bathrooms are not accessible for all people with mobility devices. You can use the bathrooms at the dining place just next door.)

Here’s the screening details, which are also at their Facebook event page.

Monday, May 14th
7:30 – 9:30 pm
The Hollywood Theatre at 4122 NE Sandy Blvd., on the #12 bus and near Hollywood Transit Center
Tickets are $5 and available through their website.

It’s been a pure joy and honor to have The Hollywood Theatre be the fiscal sponsor for Who Am I To Stop It. To have this chance to work with them on another film is really more than a small-time independent artist like me could ask for. Thanks, Hollywood!

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