Guest Blogger Kris Haas: “Into the InBetween”

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At our first interview with Kris Haas, she shared her artist statement, which is written in verse. If you have ever wondered where an artist goes in their mind or their soul while making art, here’s one place.

Into the InBetween

Where the silence of the moment lies

The place that holds no known boundaries

The place where judgments do not exist

The place that defines you and not

The place you can go to be safe in who you are and secure with the constant knowing that it will always be there when you need it.  It is always constant with what you want even when you forget its existence

‘Into the InBetween’ I slip uncovered and open

The place I go in the act of creation”

Look how happy I am when I hold Kris’s artwork in my hands (right before sneaking off with it to hang on my walls).

Cheryl Green holds an earth-toned abstract painting on white paper and smiles for the camera.
Where do you go when you make art or take in someone else’s art?

2 responses to “Guest Blogger Kris Haas: “Into the InBetween””

  1. I don’t really paint nearly as much as I should…I really should paint a bit more, any day, really. I think that that would be a good idea!!!

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