Tag: AJ Murray

  • Pigeonhole Podcast 30: AJ Murray on disability in the media (Encore)

    Listen to this post: [The podcast is at the bottom of the post.] Sometimes I do these interviews, and it feels like they’re so set in the moment that they won’t hold up down the road. But then you find one, like this 2015 conversation with AJ Murray, and it turns out it’s evergreen after…

  • Following along “Becoming Bulletproof”

    Listen to this post: In May, I reviewed the documentary “Becoming Bulletproof.” Great film! You gotta see it. That’s why I’m writing again: to make sure you see it. In fact, you can read the film with Closed Captions and hear the film with Audio Description. There’s a few different ways to get a hold…

  • Documentary film review: Becoming Bulletproof

    Listen to this post: “Becoming Bulletproof” is an award-winning documentary currently on the film festival circuit. It shows the making of an original short Western called “Bulletproof.” Because many of the cast and crew have disabilities, the documentary is described as being part of an overall awareness-raising strategy to promote integration and creative opportunities. But it goes so much further…