Pigeonhole Podcast 38: May be image of cup
Listen to this post: (podcast audio is at the bottom of the page.) Lately, there’s a growing push to make accessibility more creative, and I think it’s just rad! In fact, some of the major players at FWD-Doc (Documentary Filmmakers with Disabilities) are presenting at this year’s SXSW a panel called Creativity Enhanced: Documentary Tools…
Audio Description in the Making at AIM Lab
Listen to this post: Audio Description is art. There. I said it! I’m in the camp of describers whose end goal is not legal compliance or the mythical, and frankly impossible, “accessible for everyone” status. The camp I’m in is interested in elevating an artwork by adding description. “Accessible” isn’t a very delightful sounding goal…
Pigeonhole Podcast 36: Sounds from the farm
Listen to this post: Today, a couple of audio described super short films I made in summer 2020 at Sunflower Farm. I’ve been volunteering there since shortly after the pandemic was declared. All of the organic produce and eggs get donated to food pantries and shelters, and the farm operates year-round on a fully-volunteer basis.…
Pigeonhole Podcast 34: AAC Voices and Talking About Audio Description
Listen to this post: [Podcast audio is at the bottom of the post.] Following my 2019 episode about radio and disabled voices, today’s episode is about the way people describe synthesized voices. My guest, endever*, isn’t an audio describer, and we don’t get into Audio Description (AD) per se. But AD is what led me…
Access Reframed Panels
Listen to this post: I’m so excited to be invited to be on a panel alongside some real powerhouses in filmmaking and film distribution, including several of my beloved colleagues from New Day Films! You’ve read it here many times before that I don’t like doing accessibility just to meet legal compliance, and I certainly…