TBI Hope and Inspiration Magazine
Listen to this post: I take a firm stance against calling disabled people inspiring on this blog and especially in my work in Criptiques On Film. I bristle when a non-disabled person refers to a disabled person as inspiring. Life after a brain injury is still life. One person’s new routine involves practicing reading a calendar, while…
Very Special Episodes from Criptiques On Film!
Listen to this post: Special! There’s a word I don’t like when it’s related to disability. It feels like such a consolation prize. Well, we only recently decided as a nation you should be allowed a public education. So your education will be Special. We don’t think you’re good enough athletes to truly compete. So your competitions will be…
Making some “crip”tiques
Listen to this post: Not everyone with a disability or impairment likes “crip” or wants to be called a crip or a krip. I deeply respect the reasons people give for why they want to be identified and described in a certain way. That said, most people I know would like to be identified by…