• Disability Art and Culture Project and Heavy Load

    Listen to this post:  You ever heard of that rule about treating others the way you want to be treated? I heard a great take on it last night:  treat others how they want to be treated. This is really a big, recurring theme on this blog. Yet I’d never thought about it in terms…

  • Disability Art and Culture Project

    Listen to this post:  Isolation is super common after brain injury. It’s shocking how many individuals are isolated. This is why I love the support groups we have in the Portland area. We get out of the house, socialize, and see how we’re not alone in our post-brain injury experiences. But that only lasts 1…

  • Wobbly dance

    Listen to this post: I want to gush over a performance I saw last night by Wobbly called “Underneath.” Beautiful. Wonderful. Thought-provoking. Intuition-provoking. Revealing. Oh, what else. I need a thesaurus. So what is it? It’s a dance performance piece integrating different movement styles and choreography, voice, improvised electronic soundscapes, and story. I’m sure that’s…

  • Can Disability art leave the Disability community? Yes!

    Listen to this post: > Last night my film, “Friending with Brain Injury!” premiered in Portland at Disability Comedy Movie Night. We showed three other comedies; all were written by disabled artists, starred disabled artists, or both. The audience had folks with and without disabilities, and there was laughter all around at different times. We…