Tag: Disability Art and Culture Project

  • Guest Blogger William L. Alton on Writing and Drawing

    Listen to this post:  Bill used to draw a lot more back before his physical disabilities made grasping and controlling a pencil very difficult. Recently though, he’s had the chance to explore visual arts again through the Disability Arts and Culture Project’s open art sessions last spring and the recent visual arts group exhibition he…

  • Disability Art and Culture Project

    Listen to this post:  Isolation is super common after brain injury. It’s shocking how many individuals are isolated. This is why I love the support groups we have in the Portland area. We get out of the house, socialize, and see how we’re not alone in our post-brain injury experiences. But that only lasts 1…

  • Wobbly dance

    Listen to this post: I want to gush over a performance I saw last night by Wobbly called “Underneath.” Beautiful. Wonderful. Thought-provoking. Intuition-provoking. Revealing. Oh, what else. I need a thesaurus. So what is it? It’s a dance performance piece integrating different movement styles and choreography, voice, improvised electronic soundscapes, and story. I’m sure that’s…