Tag: Disability Visibility Project

  • Pigeonhole Podcast 49: Introducing the POD Access Podcast

    Listen to this post: Wow. I only released two podcast episodes in 2024. I was starting to feel sad because I used to be working on an episode all the time and publishing monthly. But I’m not sad because what I have been working on is another podcast! Pigeonhole is not going away, and I…

  • Rounding up from 2019

    Listen to this post: I recently got a lot of artists’ and organizations’ year-end updates highlighting their amazing work. I wanted to start off 2020 sharing a roundup of the top three that feel extra near and dear to me. If you’re not already subscribed to their blogs, podcasts, and other work, join anytime! Alice…

  • Pigeonhole Podcast 19: Alice Wong on Good Radio Voices

    Listen to this post: [The podcast audio is at the bottom of the page.] This is a rebroadcast of a 2017 episode exploring the ableism behind deciding which voices are good enough to be on radio and which aren’t. Chenjerai Kumanyika wrote a beautiful manifesto about the effect of code-switching on him as he tried…

  • Pigeonhole Podcast 9: An Uncanny Neighbor

    Listen to this post: I’m headed down to San Antonio later today, in fact, to lead a storytelling workshop at the Texas Brain Injury Conference. And I’ve been exasperated lately with people telling me what my story is and how to tell it. Nowhere is it actually written that a TBI story is required to include gory details of a wreck or any…

  • Rooted in Rights and Disability Visibility Project’s #MeToo Stories

    Listen to this post: Content Notice: This post is specifically about sexual violence against disabled people, but it won’t contain graphic information. Read or not, according to your needs. First off, can I just say that if you come across Rooted in Rights‘ name on anything, it’s going to be stellar? OK, I said it.…