Tag: self-advocacy

  • “Dear Everybody,” from Canadians with disabilities

    Listen to this post: I don’t often write about rehab programs. This blog has long been a space to center perspectives and ideas of people who typically end up in rehab, not the people who run rehab programs. Which is why I’m writing about one today. The Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto has…

  • When “can’t” is about power

    Listen to this post:  I heard someone say this once:  “I can’t do that anymore since my brain injury.” And the person she was talking to said:  “Don’t limit yourself. You can do absolutely anything. Anything is possible.” And the someone was like:  “No, really, I can’t do that anymore.” And I was like (in…

  • Kris Haas online

    Listen to this post:  One of the great joys of this blog for me (and my readers, I know!) is sharing other people’s art. Whether it’s Guest Bloggers or people I write about, this is what’s most exciting. That’s why the whole documentary project got started in the first place:  I want people to recognize…

  • Guest Blogger: Amanda C. Nachman on mild traumatic brain injury

    Listen to this post read by Cheryl:  I want to share with you some writing by Amanda C. Nachman. I’m so glad she wanted to share on the blog for a lot of reasons. Let me start with that. Gentle reader, you might not know this about me: I did not have a good experience…

  • Camp Our Time and Self-Advocacy

    Listen to this post:  Get ready for some pretty awesome self-advocacy! The other night I went to a benefit event for the upcoming documentary, “The Way We Talk,” by Michael Turner. While there, I met Emily. She was sitting next to a table of t-shirts she had designed. Here’s the shirt design. Emily is raising…