Tag: “Underneath”

  • Is it a disability event if the topic is disability?

    Listen to this post: A good friend asked me “Is something a disability event if the topic is disability?” Excuse me, but that is an awesome question! Different people will have lots of answers. I’m sure a common one would be, “Depends.” Here’s what’s on my mind. This applies any group on the margins. A…

  • Wobbly dance

    Listen to this post: I want to gush over a performance I saw last night by Wobbly called “Underneath.” Beautiful. Wonderful. Thought-provoking. Intuition-provoking. Revealing. Oh, what else. I need a thesaurus. So what is it? It’s a dance performance piece integrating different movement styles and choreography, voice, improvised electronic soundscapes, and story. I’m sure that’s…