Year: 2015

  • “Patient No More” from Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability

    Listen to this post:  One of the dangers of awareness-raising campaigns is that once the rally, day, week, or month for a certain topic has passed, it can be forgotten. The backs on the pins break, the t-shirts fade and get holes in them, the flyers get trashed. And who has time for brain injury…

  • Gack! What do you say to someone with brain injury?

    Listen to this post:  It was a few years ago. I was on location, shooting for the documentary. As usual, an interested bystander came up to ask what was going on. I gave my typical, quick answer: “We’re making a documentary about artists with traumatic brain injury. That guy over there, he had a brain…

  • Brave New Films Fellows Program

    Listen to this post:  Now this is what I’ve been talking about! A paid training program with health and dental insurance and vacation time for aspiring filmmakers from marginalized and underrepresented communities. By underrepresented, I mean both as the people starring in films and also as the people making the films. If you recall from…

  • I heart brains swag

    Listen to this post:  I know that t-shirt campaigns as fundraisers are all the rage right now. And they’re great. You donate to an important cause, and then you get to wear a symbol of that cause for even more awareness-raising. Here’s me showing off one of my recent t-shirt fundraiser scores. This one is…

  • Documentary Review: Shameless: The ART of Disability

    Listen to this post:  “Shameless: The ART of Disability” is a 2007 film you can watch on the site for the National Film Board of Canada. You can view this 70-minute documentary with Closed Captions and/or Audio Description or neither. It’s directed by Bonnie Sherr Klein who joined the disability community after two strokes caused…