Spotlight on Disability Film Festivals: Superfest International Disability Film Festival taking submissions now
Listen to this post: Back in June, I wrote on this blog about a really awesome sounding awards program called The Dissies. The idea was to come up with the worst ever representations and portrayals of disability (and disabled people) in the movies. Then, you’d diss them. I love the play on words. The awards…
Kris Haas online
Listen to this post: One of the great joys of this blog for me (and my readers, I know!) is sharing other people’s art. Whether it’s Guest Bloggers or people I write about, this is what’s most exciting. That’s why the whole documentary project got started in the first place: I want people to recognize…
Guest Blogger Amanda C. Nachman on Agate Art
Listen to this post: Amanda C. Nachman shared on this blog before to introduce us to her memoir, poetry, and blogging. This is such a different post because it isn’t so much about her brain injury and experiences directly around the injury. This one is about her newest artistic passion. And while you can see…
Ann Millett-Gallant Memoir Reading
Listen to this post: Last September on this blog, I let y’all know about Dr. Ann Millett-Gallant’s memoir around traumatic brain injury and art called “Re-membering: Putting Mind and Body Back Together Following Traumatic Brain Injury.” Now she’s doing a live reading from the book, which is something you don’t want to miss! If you’re…