Arghh! It’s a Disabled Person!
Listen to this post: Please enjoy this fabulous short documentary about Disability art. It’s from Great Britain, and they talk about the need for more disabled people getting arts training and opportunities to play roles in the media. One of the folks interviewed, Mat Fraser, used to co-host the Ouch! Disability Talk Show podcast with Liz…
Guest Blogger Kris Haas: “Into the InBetween”
Listen to this post: At our first interview with Kris Haas, she shared her artist statement, which is written in verse. If you have ever wondered where an artist goes in their mind or their soul while making art, here’s one place. Into the InBetween Where the silence of the moment lies The place that…
This film has a new name!
Listen to this post: After much musing, wondering, discussing, and fretting, we have finally renamed our film! “Who Am I To Stop It” is the new name, and WhoAmIToStopIt.com is the new URL for this blog. But why? Why did you change it? Frankly, the working title “The Art of Brain Injury” was not enticing…
Time for a Haas Pause
Listen to this post: We had our first interview with visual artist Kris Haas today. It was such a delight. In case you aren’t familiar with her last name, the last sound is a “z,” not an “s.” Not surprisingly, I can’t remember most of what we talked about. One thing that does stand out…