Category: Community News

  • Submit your art to the awesomest brain injury art show: The Creativity Expo in New Jersey

    Listen to this post: Vince Diorio from The Creativity Expo did a brief interview on my show earlier this month. He talked about how and why he started up a professional arts exhibit for artists with brain injury. Cool thing is, once you go into the gallery, it’s not advertised as brain injury art. It’s…

  • Spotlight on Disability Film Festivals: The Disability Film Challenge 48-hour film race is on!

    Listen to this post: If you keep up with my occasional Spotlight on Disability Film Festival posts, you’ve had a nice huckle or two about how I rarely post about these festivals in time to either submit to or visit them. This time I am ahead of the game and just in time. I’ve heard…

  • I know you want to crack some jokes about disability

    Listen to this post: This is a call for submissions! The media likes to tell us that having a disability is clearly a sad thing. Sure, there are sad parts and sad times, but who doesn’t have a little or a lot of that? Disability in and of itself isn’t sad. It’s reality. And for some…

  • Just people together

    Listen to this post: I’ve been having some delightfully engaging conversations with two people deeply connected to disability. They have years upon years of direct lived experience around disability, stigma and oppression. And we have been talking a lot lately! I can’t get enough. Here are the two themes we’re on: communication and just being…

  • HeadStrong for Life at Washington State annual TBI Conference

    Listen to this post: If you go to the HeadStrong for Life Facebook page, you’ll see some definitions of the word “headstrong.” Simple things like “directed by ungovernable will” and “not easily restrained.” Aren’t those fabulous images of people living with brain injury having agency, choices and passions? I love it! As a matter of…