Housing Justice and TBI: St. Charles Church in Portland

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With National Brain Injury Awareness Month just around the corner, it’s a big time for organizations to share documentaries and personal narratives around TBI. Mostly, they focus on rehabilitation and recovery, but that’s not really the kind of film work I make. So, I’m thrilled to announce a March 1st screening of “Who Am I To Stop It” at St. Charles Church in Portland as part of their social justice film night series. The topic on March 1st is housing justice and activism, and they picked “Who Am I To Stop It” for the different stories of housing that come up in the film: housing instability, independent living, structured living in a facility, and people with brain injury disabilities moving between these types of housing. And this will be the first public screening of all three short films at once!

And while I’ve got you, let me point out that March 18th – 22nd (yes, only one week), many disabled people in Portland have the opportunity to apply for a housing voucher to transition from some types of institutional living to community-based living. Please contact Real Choice Initiative if you want assistance with applying for a voucher!

Event details:

March 1st, 6:00 – 8:30 pm
St. Charles Catholic Parish at 5310 NE 42nd Ave.
Suggested donation $3-5, but no one will be turned away for lack of money (credit cards accepted)
Drinks and snacks provided
Open Captions for the film
Accessible event space
Q and A after the film

Here’s the Facebook event page.

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