Tag: ableism

  • Name the ableism in our recent election

    Listen to this post:  No secrets here. I’m not in support of the white nationalism espoused by the people being picked to come into the next White House. I’ve been listening to and reading a lot of arguments and speculations about why Hillary didn’t get elected. So far, every one from the left has rung…

  • Biketown, sigh, sigh, sigh

    Listen to this post:  This isn’t the first time I’ve written on this blog about adaptive bicycles, how glorious they are, and what they represent. They represent adaptability and innovation. They also represent a more holistic, fair symbol of inclusion. Not the kind of inclusion where you have to be or act as non-disabled as…

  • Boo to “Me Before You”

    Listen to this post:  If you already don’t like the idea of the new film “Me Before You” or you want to know reasons some disabled activists don’t like it, this is the post for you. Today I’m blogging and aggregating. The best part? So many people have already written reviews, rounded up posts, and are quoting…

  • Help develop ableist microagressions scale

    Listen to this post:  Shanna K. Kattari is doing some great research. She interviewed me and a bunch of other people recently so she could begin to design a survey around ableist microaggressions. There are some scales and questionnaires around racial and ethnic and other micoaggressions already, but there hasn’t been a formal one around ableism.…

  • ReelAbilities Portland Film Festival and blogging against disablism

    Listen to this post:  Today is a two-for-one! You get lots of info about the upcoming ReelAbilities Portland film festival, and you get to celebrate the annual, international Blogging Against Disablism Day. I put them together for one big reason and one small reason. The small reason? I’m terrible with time management! I was going to…