Tag: ableism

  • Here’s the problem with explaining disability jokes

    Listen to this post:  I’m funny. You’re funny. We all have the best sense of humor, and we love to make other people laugh. [clown horn honk honk.] Even if this were always true, it doesn’t make us above reproach. What I mean: you can still tell an awful and offensive joke even if you don’t…

  • Places we don’t care for disabled people

    Listen to this post:  Big warning. If you continue with this post, you will read about or listen to descriptions of violence and abuse against people with disabilities. Continue with discretion. A recent article out of Washington state asks “Is it cheaper to care for developmentally disabled adults in institutional settings or in community based…

  • No cookies at the party today

    Listen to this post:  I’ve been reading about being an ally in Black and Brown communities and about asking for cookies. Asking for cookies is when a white person asks for public praise for doing something that’s less racist than something else or motivated by racism but looks inclusive on the outside to get a free cookie. This post…

  • This isn’t really about intelligence

    Listen to this post:  A few years ago, when I still struggled with my eyes pointing in slightly different directions, with my brain scrambling what those eyes saw, with crashing into walls, laughing and crying at nothing, having obsessive thoughts and behaviors, and the list goes on, someone attempted to reassure me–or maybe themselves–by saying,…

  • Racism, ableism, and police brutality leading to brain injury

    Listen to this post:  I have some friends in the brain injury community who have mentioned how apolitical I am. I think those are folks who don’t read this blog! Cuz I’m pretty darn political. I consider it my duty to interrupt racism, classism, sexism, cisgenderism, homophobia, ableism, and other oppressions that threaten people’s freedoms. Sure, I…