Wobbly dance

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I want to gush over a performance I saw last night by Wobbly called “Underneath.” Beautiful. Wonderful. Thought-provoking. Intuition-provoking. Revealing. Oh, what else. I need a thesaurus. So what is it?

It’s a dance performance piece integrating different movement styles and choreography, voice, improvised electronic soundscapes, and story. I’m sure that’s only one layer.

Aside from the fact that it was gorgeous and artistically complex, here’s why I love it: “Wobbly’s mission starts with the belief that to present a disabled body onstage is a radical act capable of stitch by stitch transformation of the cultural fabric of our community.”

What else can I say? Is it so different from making a documentary where the filmmaker herself and the featured stars have a disabled brain? Probably not!

This is not disability as weakness, deficiency, or something to pretend you do not notice in someone else because you prefer to see sameness instead of difference. This is a positive disability identity and fiercely beautiful art-making. Like DACP, these folks get me at my core, using cross-disability and mixed ability artworks.

So, go to their Kickstarter page and donate as many bucks as you feel you can. Because without meeting their Kickstarter goal, the Wobbly folks are left doing what I did on my first two films (plus everyone who worked on my 1st film with me): working for free.

Update on 12/13/12: This project was funded! Thank you, community!

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